Snake Bean Trichosanthes cucumerina anguina A new plant in my garden

When I saw this vegetable in the Baker Creek catalog I was intrigued. It did not disappoint me.

The star shaped flowers smell like a very sweet honeysuckle.

The vines and leaves have an odd aroma. I’m still not certain if I dislike it but it is not off putting to me and I’ll grow this vegetable again next year. Yesterday, I harvested the first two pods. You can see from the photo how big the pods are. It is a vigorous climber. I’m making sure it doesn’t vine over to my okra.

I sliced the pods into ¼ inch rounds and sautéed them in Kerrygold butter with ½ teaspoon of taco seasoning. So good. I served them with tenderized pork cutlets that I pan fried.  All in all a great dinner last night.  Two thumbs up for this new vegetable. I hope you try this vegetable.

About okieranchwife

I am a transplant to Oklahoma and an escapee from an unspecifed Northeast State. I enjoy growing my gardens and cooking what I grow.
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1 Response to Snake Bean Trichosanthes cucumerina anguina A new plant in my garden

  1. Ron Hobbs says:

    Okie..will you please email your phone so we can chat!? Pat Hobbs…from Pinball channel

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