Pennsylvania German Wet Bottom Shoo Fly Pie

It is getting less hot here in Oklahoma. I don’t want t say cool because it is still in the low 80s. Cool is 60s during the day. For the past several months I have been canning various vegetables that I grew. The last batch I canned was green tomato pie filling. It’s here on the blog. Link:

While that was cooking the scent of warm Autumn spices filled my house. Now I want pumpkin, persimmon, apple etc. I got a craving for Shoo Fly pie. Some cooks put raisins in the mix but I like the plain style. This pie has two parts, a liquid part and the dry crumb part.

The recipe I used is from “Mennonite Community Cookbook” by Mary Emma Showalter. This cookbook was first printed in 1950. My copy was my mom’s and it is from 1975. Good memories.

  • Pie shell for 1 crust 9” pie plate
  • Liquid part –
  • 1 C Dark Molasses
  • ¾ C boiling Water
  • ½ Tsp Baking Soda
  • Crumb part –
  • 1 ½ C All Purpose Flour
  • ¼ C Shortening or Butter
  • ½ C Dark Brown Sugar
  • ½ Tsp Cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place pie crust into a shallow pie dish.

Dissolve baking soda in the hot water and add molasses. Stir to combine.

Combine sugar, flour and cinnamon. Rub or cut in shortening or butter to make loose crumbs.

Pour one-third of the liquid into the pie shell. Add one-third of the crumb mixture.

Continue alternate layers finishing with a crumb top.

Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. This will be a very loose wet bottom pie. Great with ice cream!

About okieranchwife

I am a transplant to Oklahoma and an escapee from an unspecifed Northeast State. I enjoy growing my gardens and cooking what I grow.
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