Magnesium Lotion

This is a requested post on how to make magnesium lotion. Bottom line up front, this is not an original recipe of mine. I saw it in a well done YouTube video. The video link and the website link will be listed below. Lea and James who are the owners of the channel are a wonderful couple.  Please support them by subscribing and liking their videos if you watch YouTube. The recipe and technique is Lea’s but the explanation, photo and other information is mine alone.  


THE DISCLAIMER: The following is not to be considered “Medical Advice”. The author is not a “Medical Doctor” or “Health Care Professional”. Any use of this information is solely the responsibility of the Reader. (Words in quotations are legal words used by the US Federal Government.)

Okay enough of the blah, blah, blah. Back to the good stuff.

Many people are unaware about the importance of adequate magnesium levels in your body. And sadly many people are very deficient in magnesium and that leads to health problems. Some are life threatening. I start with my personal story about a deficiency. Going back to 2016 I started to hear my voice quavering. It sounded like I was afraid and stuttering at the same. I could not control it.  Next I had severe muscle cramps. Keep this symptom in mind.   I felt tired. A lot. I like to do crafts. I noticed that my fingers weren’t as sensitive anymore. And for the biggie. My chest felt like it was getting tighter and tighter.  That’s the one that scared me. Remember that the heart is muscle. Maybe the most important muscle that maintains your life. I have been into alternative therapies since the early 1990’s. I pulled out several of my reference books and started reading.

And I read about magnesium. I believe my main two reasons for my deficiency in magnesium was from food. Almost all food produced in the US is deficient because minerals are not added back into the soils. I have an article saved from 30 years ago where a small holding in England, I believe, started to add pulverized rock dust to the fields in addition to their own organic compost. They had their produce tested and the nutrient value was off the charts. If I can find the article I update and repost the article link. So the second and probably the primary reason I was deficient was my choice of daily soft drink. I don’t drink soda, pop, or whatever it is called in different regions of the country. I drink plain old seltzer water. It doesn’t have sugar or other excito-toxins in it. However it does have the fizz. The carbonation. That fizz will leach magnesium and potassium out of your body. So I was doing a good thing by getting away from the sugar and high fructose corn syrup but I drank too much of it without adding minerals back into my diet. Now I enjoy a two liter bottle of seltzer only once a month. I was lucky that I had a bottle of CRAMP 911 in my medicine cabinet. A good friend gave it to me when I had some bad leg cramps and they were visiting from the un-named state in the North-east. Wow. What a difference. Almost immediately.

I have read research articles pointing the fact that 80% of people who present at the hospital with heart attack symptoms are magnesium deficient. Hmmm. Do the heart doctors tell patients that? Future doctors in medical school are not taught about nutrition, they are trained to give a pill for that ill. Remember healthy people are not a source of income for the medical industry.

In addition to the magnesium lotion I make I also take baths with a cup of magnesium sulfate, Epsom Salts. I also have a magnesium oil spray I use if I am out of my home made magnesium lotion. It’s in the photo below. Also the coconut oil jar is hiding behind the storage jar lid.

An excellent book of which I have the Kindle version is “The Magnesium Miracle” by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD and ND, edition 2014. It is packed full of information that she as a medical doctor can cite where I as civilian cannot.

These are the links to the YouTube video and the website.

This recipe makes 1 personal use batch of magnesium lotion.

  • ½ C Pure Magnesium Flakes (Epsom Salts will not work as well in this recipe but you can use them)
    ½ C Hot Water, I use my Berkey Filter Water (Okie)

Mix the magnesium flakes into the hot water. Set aside and allow the flakes to dissolve.

  • 3 Tbsp Beeswax Pastilles
    2 Tbsp Shea or Cocoa Butter
    ¼ C fat of choice (Okie used Coconut Oil)
  • Place these ingredients into the top section of a double boiler. Heat a couple inches of water into the bottom section of double boiler. Place the top section on and heat until the ingredients have completely mixed together into a liquid.

10 drops of Essential Oils of your choice (Okie used Lavender and Rosemary)

  • Remove the boiler from the heat, and add your desired essential oils.

Pour the magnesium flake water into the beeswax, shea butter, and fat mixture. Blend the mixture together with an immersion blender, regular blender, or a spinning whisk, until you get a fluffy lotion consistency. Spoon your lotion into your jars, allow to cool, and store with the lid on. This lasts 2-3 months. You can also store in the fridge. The clean up is a little messy but worth it.

About okieranchwife

I am a transplant to Oklahoma and an escapee from an unspecifed Northeast State. I enjoy growing my gardens and cooking what I grow.
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2 Responses to Magnesium Lotion

  1. ackbob says:

    how many and what size jars do you use for this size of production? How long does it store in the fridge? Can you use a bowl over warm water if you don’t have a double boiler? Looks like you have great personal results – Thank You for sharing this

    • Hello! This recipe will store in 1 one and half cup glass storage jar. Well you really need to heat it on the stove. Lasts indefinitely in the fridge. I like to keep it room temp though.
      You can improvise a double boiler with a medium size sauce pot and a 4 cup glass measuring cup. Thank you kind sir!

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